Monday, November 22, 2010

powerful stuff

boots, BCBG. dress, Tucker for Target.

 i found this tucker for target dress on the sale rack! yippie! i thought all the tucker items were sold out. the tag said the dress was on sale for 30, but when i got to the register to check out it was only ten dollars! what a lucky day. so then i wore it later that night for my friends birthday celebration. it always feels so good to buy a new dress and wear it immediately.

so here is a picture of the girls with their birthday presents! they loved the wine bottle decorations. 


  1. this is so cute! what a lucky find. i looove the sale section at target- there's always so many hidden gems!

    your friends look super happy about those wine bottles :)

  2. so cute! LOVE register discounts <3 always such a fun surprise! love the boots you paired it with, such a rich look for fall!


  3. such a cute outfit! I love the wine bottles so creative!

  4. hi:) new follower! love your blog! that dress is phenomenal. don't you just love a good target steal? and even better--surprise ring-up disounts? looks fantastic with those killer boots!

  5. I have the dress! Love how you styled it and great blog. I just stumbled across your blog and I will be following you from now on!
